
valentine’s day


I go back and read this post every year. I liked the idea then and I still like it now. In fact, I would say that now more than ever we need to take the time to stop, reach out and understand others around us. It doesn’t matter if they are next door or a thousand miles away. 

I’d still offer the same advice as I did years ago. Go out and meet someone new, experience a new culture, understand your differences, and listen to their stories. Get involved, read, fact-check, and learn about everything you’re concerned about. Make a call, show up at a meeting, run for office!  Have your own opinions based on facts you’ve learned and researched or experienced. It might be scary, but I guarantee you that you will grow and make a new friend or two along the way. 

Although we’re now in Portugal we make even more effort to stay in touch with friends and family. Planning video calls to catch up to make sure that they know how much they mean to us. Life goes by swiftly if we don’t take the time to reach out there will come a day when we can’t. I encourage everyone to plan at least one catch-up call this week. You won’t regret it.


Happy Valentine’s Day to the World! People typically take time on Valentine’s Day to wish their loved ones a happy day and celebrate the love they share with each other. This usually takes many forms including buying gifts like candy, jewelry, lingerie, and many other romantic goodies. But I want to take this time on Valentine’s Day to say “I love you” to the world.



If I hadn’t had the opportunity to travel to so many countries I wouldn’t have the appreciation I have for my friends and family worldwide.


Diana Sue and Jan in Paris
Diana Sue and Jan in Paris

Travel is a Luxury

I also wouldn’t have an appreciation of the diverse cultures and people from around the world. I grew up in the United States, it is a melting pot of so many wonderful different people and cultures yet we so rarely take the time to learn about them. So often, we tend to gravitate to people like ourselves. Let’s face it, it’s easy, a whole lot easier. Taking the time to meet someone new especially someone who lives outside of your neighborhood, or looks different can be challenging for some people. For most people.

The most important thing I’ve learned from all my travels is that every time I take the stop and open my mind and heart to others it’s always a wonderful surprise. Even someone who has a grumpy look may just need a “good morning” or a “how are you today?” to make them look at you just a little different and change that frown into a big old smile.


Street Food around the world pretzel lady at Oktoberfest.
The pretzel lady at Oktoberfest.

I’m so lucky to have had the opportunity to meet many amazing people. People in places like Johannesburg, Dubai, Vienna, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Munich, Sao Paulo, Brussels, Istanbul, Jordan, Beijing, London, Taipei, Paris, Kuala Lumpur, Madrid, Delhi, and many more, have changed my world forever. Some I still talk to and see on social media regularly. Some I may never see again. Either way, they have all helped to open my mind and make me see not only our differences but our commonalities as well.


Happy Valentines Day to the world

Without these experiences, I would not know how lucky I am to be a woman able to start my own business, love whomever I choose, have a safe home, eat when I’m hungry, and drink fresh clean water when I’m thirsty. I am thankful every day for these luxuries that we sometimes take for granted.

I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many fellow travelers along the way and many of them I now call friends. I hope we all can keep sharing our passion for travel and the joy of learning about others.


Happy Valentines Day to the world

Just One More Thing

My suggestion is on Valentine’s Day, why not get to know one new person? Maybe a co-worker, fellow student, shopkeeper, or anyone who is different than you in any way, and share a meal or cup of coffee or tea together either in person or virtually. I love getting together with friends for virtual tea parties. We have a chance to catch up, relax, and spend some time together.

Many of us get tired of the divisiveness and anger on our social media pages. Why not share something that is filled with love or gratitude? Why not brighten someone’s day?

We don’t know what is going on in someone’s life. Just the act of one person smiling at you or saying hello can completely change someone’s day, their week, and maybe even their life. Isn’t it worth the risk?

Have a real conversation and listen. Listen to their joys and concerns. Listen to how many of those things are the same as yours. Then share that story with a family member or friend or share it on social media where you can brighten even more people’s lives.


Ludwigsburg Christmas Market Lebkuchen

Happy Valentine’s Day To the World

I believe that this type of positive micro-interaction is exactly what can make the world smaller and bring it closer together. It seems like the world needs more love and more positivity than ever before.

Happy Valentine’s Day to the world, and you and yours. I hope you make the most of it. Share at least some of these ideas with a new friend or friends. 

Updated February 2024

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