Updated: August 2023

Thank you for visiting Food Travelist. The information provided on owned and operated by Food Travel Network, Inc. (the “Website,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) is intended for general information purposes only. The terms “you,” “your”, and “yours” apply to anyone who accesses or views the Website on any platform or device.

All information presented here are expressions of our personal tastes, views, insights, and opinions unless otherwise stated. We are not professional chefs, travel advisors, restaurant critics, or recipe developers. We are just people who enjoy traveling, cooking, dining, and exploring the world, sharing our experiences and thoughts with others. None of the content on the Website should be construed as professional advice.

While we publish information on the Website in good faith, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, suitability for any purpose, timeliness, or completeness of any information on the Website. We assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of the information on this site. All information and services provided on or through the Website are “As Is” and “As Available.”

Under no circumstance will we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the Website or reliance on any information provided on the Website. Your use of the site and your reliance on any information provided on the site is solely at your own risk.

Technical Issues

We take no responsibility for technical issues in the use and operation of the Website. This includes if the Website is temporarily unavailable, technical difficulty downloading or printing a recipe or file, viewing any photograph, clicking through a link, or any other technical issue. We assume no liability for any losses, injuries, or damages related to these or other types of technical issues.

The Website contains links to other websites. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third-party websites linked through the site or any website or feature linked in any banner or other advertising. We will not be a party to or in any way be held responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party providers or products or services.


We welcome comments on the Website. However, we publish comments at our sole discretion and do not guarantee that all comments will be published. We do not publish comments that are inflammatory, derogatory, self-promotional, spam, or offensive in any way.


We offer recipes that we feel are interesting, fun, and suitable for most home cooks. However, you must take the responsibility to review the listed ingredients before cooking to ensure none of the ingredients causes potential adverse effects to anyone who will be consuming the food. Adverse effects include allergies, food sensitivities, issues arising from dietary restrictions, pregnancy-related effects, and other potential concerns.

You assume full responsibility for using your best judgment when cooking with raw ingredients such as beef, poultry, or eggs, and seeking information from an official food safety authority if you are unsure.

You must also take care to not physically injure yourself by coming into contact with hot surfaces, sharp blades, and other kitchen hazards.


Cooking with children is fun and a great opportunity for bonding time that creates memorable moments. However, child safety measures should be given the highest priority.

You must take utmost safety measures when managing children in the kitchen. It is your responsibility to supervise and assist any child all the time and ensure all the necessary protection measures are taken and appropriate clothing is provided. Ensure to monitor any child while handling electrical appliances.

Although there is no definite age to introduce kids in the kitchen tasks, you as a parent/guardian should take the responsibility to judge any child’s capabilities and assign the tasks accordingly. Do not allow small children to handle electrical appliances, sharp objects such as knives, ovens, and hobs. Take extra care when children are near hot surfaces and hot equipment.

We accept no liability or responsibility for any injury, loss, or damage related to children in the kitchen. Please be responsible and err on the side of caution when it comes to their safety.


The content on the Website includes recipes, stories, and articles related to wine, beer, spirits, and alcoholic beverages. All such content is intended only for those of legal drinking age, which varies by country. We hope that if you decide to try any beverage or recipe displayed or described on or connected to the Website, you do so with moderation and caution. It is not our intent to promote the misuse of alcohol, alcoholism, or any other form of alcohol abuse. We cannot take any responsibility for the effect these drinks may have on you or anyone. We do not condone illegal or excessive drinking and provide all content for entertainment and informational purposes only.


We are not responsible for the outcome of any recipe found on the Website or one of our recipes linked to from another source. Any number of factors can contribute to you not achieving the desired result when preparing any recipe. Some of those factors can include the ingredients and brands of ingredients, your ingredient substitutions, skipping steps, combining steps, completing steps in a different order or altering the recipe, the equipment used, possible errors/typos in the recipe itself, or the reader’s individual cooking ability. We do our best to make recipes that are manageable for most home cooks. However, we cannot guarantee that every result will be a winner for you. If you have any suggestions for improvements or adjustments, you can post them in the comments or send an email with your thoughts.


If we include information about preparation and cooking time in a recipe on the Website, we do our best to make accurate estimations. However, each person cooking will have their own set of skills and abilities, causing the time to vary from person to person.

When planning to make a dish, please take into account that experience in the kitchen, ability to multitask during cooking, using ingredients from scratch or prepared (e.g., pre-cut vegetables), among other things will affect actual preparation and cooking times.


If we include nutrition information for recipes on the Website, such information is estimated and for guidance only.  We are not dieticians or nutritionists and we don’t have any medical training. All the values provided, if any, are for information purposes only.

Also, note that varying factors such as product type and brands purchased can change the nutritional values in any given recipe. Other factors may affect the values such as the amount of salt, spices, and sweetener that are listed “as required,” it is not calculated into the recipe as the amount will vary. To obtain accurate nutritional values, you should calculate in your preferred calculator with the actual ingredients used in your recipe. Under no circumstances will Food Travel Network, Inc.,, or their officers, directors, shareholders, members, owners, associates, and affiliates will be held responsible for loss or damage caused as a result of your reliance on nutritional information.


We may offer the opportunity to provide your feedback in the comments and rating sections of our recipes. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the ingredients, instructions, or anything else related to the recipe. We try our best to be responsive. However, we reserve the right to edit or delete any comment at our sole discretion. If you haven’t tried a recipe or you’ve made changes to it and are unhappy with the result, please do not provide a low rating. Ratings should reflect actual experiences with the recipe as given. Tastes vary from person to person, so feel free to adjust any recipe as your own culinary preferences and style dictate. Consider our recipes an invitation to enjoy the pleasures of world cuisine in your own home. Please provide comments on any adjustments you may have made that you feel would be of benefit to others trying out the recipe.


All changes to these Disclaimers will be posted to this page and will be effective when posted. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you understand and accept any changes.

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