One of the biggest challenges for traveling is deciding what to pack and how to know when enough is too much. Packing can be especially tough before you step onto that long-haul airline trip. While international travel can seem overwhelming if you’re not globetrotting on a regular basis, you can make it a lot easier on yourself with a little preparation and planning. Here are some of our favorite pro travel packing tips to make getting ready for your trip much more pleasant and manageable.
8 Pro Travel Packing Tips
1. Make A List If you’re like me and can’t remember something you went to get in the next room, chances are you’ll forget something you meant to pack if you don’t have a list. One of our key pro traveler packing tips is to be sure to include the little things we all tend to forget like small umbrellas, mini flashlights, medicines, cords, gadgets or anything that will make your trip a success.
2. Paper. It may be green to go paperless, but one of our next pro traveler packing tips is that this is one instance when it pays to have a physical copy of your passport, visa, credit card, and any other important documents. Keep them in your hotel safe when you’re traveling. We always keep at least one actual credit card and some cash in the hotel safe – just in case. Be sure that your credit cards actually work overseas and most importantly check if they have a foreign transaction fee. It can end up costing you a ton in extra add-on charges if you use the wrong card. Capital One, American Express Platinum, United Explorer, and Citibank AAdvantage Executive are among U.S.-issued cards that currently do not charge this fee. Other cards around the world offer the same benefit. The terms do vary from time to time, so be sure to verify with your card company before you travel outside of your own country. You might also want to bring a pen to fill out those customs forms when you return from your journeys.

3. Water & Snacks. When it’s offered, airline food can often be unappetizing or worse. If you’re not flying first or business class, where the food may be substantially better, it makes sense to bring something edible along with you that you know you will like. Another one of our pro traveler packing tips is that taking healthful snacks with you can put you way ahead of the game, no matter what they may be offered onboard. Dry roasted edamame, pretzels, cheese and crackers, dried fruit, and, of course, dark chocolate are all great options. Other passengers will look at you with envy when you take out your little snack pack. Go Picnic, which provides packaged combinations of snacks, is another good solution for grab and go easy but healthy alternative. When you’re in another country, you might just want a snack instead of a big meal too. If you have your snacks along, you’ll be good to go without having to pay high mini-bar prices or needing to search for a convenience store. Having your own preferred tasty snacks with you will make your life a lot easier.
If you’re not flying first or business class you’ll also want to bring some water on the flight with you. Check the regulations because some countries do not allow it at all. Others allow it only after you have gone through security. Drink a lot of water when flying. Yes, you might have to get up a few times but that’s ok. It’s better to get up and move around anyway, especially during long flights. Limit your alcohol consumption while you’re at it. It only makes you more dehydrated and sluggish when you arrive at your destination.
4. Medicines. Our pro traveler packing tips also apply to prescriptions or OTC drugs. If there are any that you take regularly, be sure they’re in your carry-on bag. Flight delays or lost luggage can occur, so you’ll want to have them with you, no matter what may happen. If you have regular sinus trouble, sometimes troubled by changes in humidity, take something to help you on the flight and have it available for those unexpected sinus headaches that can make a long flight really miserable. Also bring along any over-the-counter meds you might need aspirin, Imodium, eye drops, or anything you may not be able to get. We carry a small “medicine bag” that has EVERYTHING in it. We just throw it in our bags and we’re good to go. If you do have a cold or stuffy nose, chewing gum can also help alleviate the “plugged ear” syndrome when landing.
5. Layers. You never know if it’s going to be hot or cold on a plane. The thin blankets provided can help if you get chilly, but sometimes you need a little more. Our pro traveler packing tips include packing a pashmina, scarf, or light sweater for the unknowable temperatures of plane travel as well as for adding some warmth if it ends up colder in your destination than you anticipated. It won’t take up too much room and will add a little style to any outfit while on the road.

6. Gadgets. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. What’s worse than not having your device? Not having it charged. Our pro traveler packing tips include making sure you put all your gadgets and your cords in your carry-on. When traveling internationally be sure to bring the correct adapters too. Most planes now have electrical outlets at your seat, but check with your airline or before you fly if you’re not sure. If your seat won’t have an outlet, bring along your own extra power with an inexpensive power bank for reserve. Bring a mini-flashlight to keep in your gadget bag. Sometimes there are power outages in some countries and it’s best to be prepared for any potential interruptions. One of the gadgets I never travel without is my Bose Noise-Canceling Headphones. These make it easy to transport yourself away no matter who’s sitting next to you.
7. Entertainment. Be sure you load up your favorite laptop, tablet or phone with music, movies, books, podcasts, and games. Most airlines have terrific entertainment on long-haul flights but you never know when the system might fail, you’ve already seen everything they have to offer, or there’s just nothing there you want to see. If you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber you can download movies and TV shows before you leave to your device and watch them anywhere. It doesn’t hurt to bring a real book or magazine for times when you just want to read something the old-fashioned way.
8. Extras. Bring an extra set of clothes, underwear, and toiletries with you in your carry-on. At least you’ll have another outfit and the ability to clean up if your luggage goes missing.
Here’s a fun infographic just for you to make it simple to remember how to make the packing process easier for yourself!
Bonus Tips
Pack light! After packing all these snacks, cords, and other stuff you say pack light? Yep! Get everything out take a look and start taking things away. Do you really need that extra pair of shoes? Speaking of shoes, be sure you pack comfortable shoes because travel for us means lots of walking. I pack my Dansko boots in the winter and shoes the rest of the year and can walk all day long. They’re comfy and my feet and help support my back. Win. Win.
Coordinate your wardrobe so you can easily mix and match. Wear jewelry that goes with everything or take different ties and a few less shirts. Even if you do check a bag remember you’re going to be schlepping it around in airports, train stations, bus terminals, and public transportation. Packing light is imperative to your sanity and your back.
Flight delays, cranky flight attendants, language barriers, wrong directions, alarm clocks that fail, jet lag, too much bad food, and too much good food, all can make for rough travels. Pack your extra patience and a big smile. You’ll find the whole experience is made a whole lot easier. Remember, you’re experiencing things most people don’t get to – seeing the world, meeting new people, trying new food – count your blessings. Take a deep breath, chuckle a little to yourself and at yourself, and hit the road!
Lastly, have fun. Laugh often, and see the funny side of even the worst travel nightmare. Remember they will make for good stories later to share with your family and friends on Food Travelist. We love all your stories and want to know how your journeys go!
If you have any other travel tips you’d like to offer infrequent flyers please share them in the comments below.
Bon voyage!
THE QUICK BITE: Packing can be one of the most challenging aspects of travel. Here are 8 of our best packing tips to help make it easy for you to lighten the load.
Thanks Agness! Glad you found them helpful.
Truly helpful, motivational, and exceptional tips! I can now pack like a pro!
Duct tape! That’s a great add on and solves so many problems. Thanks for sharing it Alison!
Isn’t it great that we can still learn new ways to make our lives a little easier! Thanks for stopping by Leyla!
Glad we could help! Thanks for stopping by Anita.
I definitely did not get the pro-packing gene, but find I learn a little more each time I travel, yes a work in progress. The electronics are becoming more and more cumbersome in this digital age, but one old fashioned cure all that has saved me more than once is duct tape. Torn suitcases, ripped hems, packing fragile items in bubble, repairing glasses….I love your graphic-nice job.
That #8 is a great tip – and much overlooked. I actually hadn’t thought of doing this…. (forehead slap) but I will from now on!
I like this one: “We always keep at least one actual credit card and some cash in the hotel safe”.I will seriously consider doing that on my next trip. Thank you.
Thanks for the tip Carole!
Ha ha! They now know that suitcases on the bed means Mom or Moms are leaving. If they get in the suitcase there’s a chance (although it hasn’t happened yet)that we won’t go since we can’t pack. After they get out of the suitcase they pout and sulk around. They also have a fun time smelling everything when we return. Creatures of habit they also like to ignore us just a bit on our return. Thankfully, they have full-time care when we’re gone. They are dreadfully spoiled, but darn cute.
Wow! That’s a lot of packing Debi. Sounds like a lot of great trips in your future. Best of luck with the move!
Thanks Michelle! If only there was a way to easily take them with us. I’m sure their hair would fall out if they got on a plane they’re both nervous Nelly’s. Thanks for stopping by.
So true Rebecca! Short trips we think we’re going to pack so much less but due to all the cords, chargers etc. it’s just as challenging. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Anita! We all travel to learn more about ourselves and the world being cranky sure doesn’t make it a good trip for anyone.
Shhh! Don’t tell anyone but sometimes I don’t use a list either and I always end up regretting it. Thanks for stopping by Jan 🙂
True! I feel that every time we travel we have to “improve” our packing lists and pre-packed bags. We’re all a work in progress 😉
Thanks for pinning Michele! I too have a difficult time sleeping on flights so having something to keep my mind busy is a must have.
I love the idea of putting digital photos on a USB stick thanks for sharing that Betsy!
Don’t forget No Jet Lag if you want to land happy.
Great tips and an impressive infographic…but why do cats always want to go inside suitcases, wise one?
I’m in the midst of packing for a 6-month European escape, two press trips before I leave and a month on a horse farm also before the big trip. I am moving out of my condo at the same time. Ugh. What a mess! If ever there was a time for packing light and using pen and paper to make lists, it is now!
Excellent tips! Packing has become such a drag! Love the photo of your kitty. My cats do the same thing.
It’s good to have packing tips to follow. Yes, I am starting to travel a lot more than I used to, and short trips are a pain to pack for (ironically I find longer trips easier). Too many electrical gadgets nowadays!
No matter how much we travel I still love reading packing lists and yours covered all the bases. I have to agree that traveling in layers is one of my favorite tips because I seem to run from hot to cold to hot during a trip and adding and removing layers makes a huge difference. Also, I loved your bonus tips about packing extra patience and a big smile. So often a positive attitude can be the most important thing to bring along!
Great summary! I think #8 is the most important. If they after lost my luggage (and I rarely check my luggage), I would want to have some toiletries and at least 1 pair of underwear! I do everything on your list but I must admit I would have marks deducted because even though I have a LIST for all trips, I don’t always USE the list! So, not an “A” student.
Good tips, thanks! Especially making copies of important papers. I guess for us practice makes perfect… or at least close to it.
Great packing tips! I’ve pinned! I’ll definitely check out Amazon Prime – I can never sleep on flights so love to have some movies for back-up, especially if they feature my intended destination!
Excellent pro traveler packing tips! Multiple copies of your passport and the digital photos on a USB stick are always handy if you need an unexpected visa, too. Sometimes we take a side trip. 😉
Prescription medicines: Bring twice as much as you need for the length of your trip. You never know if you’ll be delayed coming back.