Ephesus, the extraordinary ancient city with its Great Theater, Celsus Library, Temple of Artemis, and Terrace Houses still being uncovered is a must-stop if you’re planning to visit Turkey.
Located in present-day Selçuk, Ephesus was originally a Greek city renowned for the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. When the Romans made their march on, well, everywhere, Ephesus became a Roman city and ultimately the capital of Asia Minor. There were spring festivals for Artemis (Diana to the Romans) and Ephesus became the largest city in the area with about 400,000 inhabitants.

As the Roman empire declined, Ephesus lost its place in the spotlight until the mid-19th century when archaeologists began excavating it. To their astonishment, there is much to find! Less than 1/4th of the city has been uncovered but it is still the largest excavation in the world.

The Terrace Houses, extraordinary dwellings with creature comforts that we know today like heating systems and private baths, were homes to the rich and important of the day. The frescoed walls and mosaic floors are being painstakingly reconstructed and their incredible details are being rediscovered.

The Great Theater is a huge outdoor amphitheater that seats some 25,000 people. Known in biblical times as the place where St. Paul preached to the Ephesians, in modern times it has been used for concerts because of its near-perfectly designed acoustics. Fans and performers alike marveled at the environment and mega-stars such as Elton John, Diana Ross, and Sting. Concerts by performers from around the world are still given (though no major rock concerts because of the structural damage caused by the volume).

The Celsus Library is also interesting. It was built to hold 12,00 scrolls and serve as a tomb for a Roman senator, who is buried in a sarcophagus beneath the library. But what may be even more interesting is that there was a “secret” tunnel that connected the library to a local brothel, enabling gentlemen who did not wish their whereabouts to be scrutinized could head to the library and then steal away for entertainment elsewhere without observation.

Ephesus is a popular location for extraordinary weddings, cocktail parties, and other celebrations that can be catered, including the House of the Virgin Mary, which is a small dwelling built by the Apostle John where Mary, the mother of Jesus, lived to the end of her life. Restaurants like Prince of the Castle, Yavuz’un Yeri, and Artemis are popular places to eat in the area and there are some quick bites and sellers of wine, oil, and other goodies nearby too.

The residents of this ancient city took advantage of Market Square or Agora, where they could purchase food and other manufactured goods. Bread, wine, olives, figs, and cheese, staples of the residents would taste especially good on a modern visit too. If you listen carefully, you might just hear the ancient voices whispering about the next great meal…

THE QUICK BITE: Ephesus, the extraordinary ancient city with its Great Theater, Celsus Library, Temple of Artemis, and Terrace Houses still being uncovered is a must-stop if you’re planning to visit Turkey.
Thanks Marilyn! My favorite part of traveling is exploring the history. There’s so much to learn!
Very interesting! I loved how you blended the history with what visitors can see today.
There’s so much to take in you’ll want to spend a good amount of time at Ehpesus. You will absolutely love Turkey we enjoyed every moment we were there
Wow! I’d love to see a concert in the amphitheater and your story of the illicit tunnel in the library had me smiling. Turkey’s on our 2015 list and this post has got me really inspired! How amazing to find out there’s still so much to uncover as well as how huge the excavation is!
Ephesus sounds and looks extraordinary! Another one for the to-do list.
Turkey is one of my preferred destinations in 2015. Thank you for presenting some must see sights.
Never been to Turkey but your post makes it tempting!
My sister and I were there 12 years ago and found it to be absolutely fascinating especially because we had semi-unintentionally humorous guide. It’s nice to read about and see it again!
We so want to visit Ephesus! The library is quite stunning. Hope we make it someday soon.
Believe it or not, I was in Ephesus in 1971. Although, my memories are a little “vague”, I do remember how much I loved it, and have always wanted to go back. There has been so much excavated since I was there.
I love the mix of ancient history, gossip and contemporary uses you highlight. What a truly beautiful and astonishing place.
Everyone says Ephesus is a must. There is a beautiful section in Traveling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd about visiting Mary’s home. I am so intrigued with the idea of seeing this wonderful area and brushing up on my Biblical history.
I’m in the very early stages of starting to think about planning a trip to the Middle East and Ephesus has always been a place that seemed worthy of a visit. You post has confirmed that for me.
Ehpesus looks extraordinary. The excavated buildings are gorgeous. I appreciate the history you provided – it makes the place come alive for me. Thanks.
Ephesus is one of the most amazing places you’ll ever visit. You can feel the history with every step!