Food Stories

Paris Chefs Get Delicious Honors

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Paris chefs make the French city shine. Paris is known for many things. The Eiffel Tower. Notre Dame cathedral. Even the River Seine that runs through it. But perhaps more than anything else that illustrates the soul of Paris and why we love it, is the cuisine that has made Paris one of the most sought after destinations by visitors from everywhere in the world. Paris chefs are a national treasure. To shine a spotlight on delicious Paris, the mayor of the city, the Honorable Anne Hidalgo, held an event at city hall that was unlike any other both in its scope and significance to the culinary community worldwide.

Eiffel Tower Paris Food Travelist

We had the honor of being among a chosen few international journalists selected to attend the event hosted by the Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo honoring the more than 80 Paris chefs with Michelin stars under their belts.

Paris Celebre Ses Chefs Delicious Paris Press Conference

The pre-event press conference was led by Alain Ducasse, whose restaurants boast a total of 19 Michelin stars. He gave a very personal and heartfelt presentation of his concern for all people and their connection to high-quality, healthful food options. He noted that the typical diet, in his opinion, has too much meat and that he believes that proper nutrition requires a substantial reduction.

Hotel de Ville Celebre Ses Chefs
Hotel de Ville Celebre Ses Chefs

Walking into the Paris Hotel de Ville (city hall) is like stepping back in time. This building has housed the Paris administration since 1357.  In honoring the Paris chefs who have lent their talents and tenacity to making it one of the most celebrated dining cities in the world, the ceremony was held in a magnificent gilded opulent reception room filled with crystal chandeliers and fresco painted ceilings. Being nestle among significant press from around the world and Michelin starred chefs was both humbling and breathtaking. We felt the palpable adoration of the attendees and the affection for and among the celebrants. It was, in a matter of words, a most delicious Parisian event.

Seeing so many of the Paris chefs that have given their all to their craft, many now household names in the foodie world, was awe-inspiring. History was being made, and we felt proud to be a part of it.

Paris Celebre Ses Chefs
Paris Celebre Ses Chefs

Pierre Gagnaire, Joel Robuchon, Guy Savoy, Alain Ducasse, and many other illustrious Paris chefs were on hand, dressed with their sparkling white chef coats, making stunning displays behind the proud mayor.

paris champagne

After a brief video and the presentation of awards to the Paris chefs, we headed into several other rooms where the champagne flowed freely and samples of spectacular cuisine awaited us.

Paris Mayor Anne Hildago Meeting the Chefs
Paris Mayor Anne Hildago Meeting the Chefs

The mayor herself sampled a variety of the Paris chefs’ offerings. Everyone in attendance had one thing in common – the love of great food and drink.

Delicious Paris Chefs Creating Food

Those manning the Paris chefs’ tables were furiously preparing the offerings for anxious attendees, ready to enjoy the best bites Paris has to offer.

Delicious Paris Party with Chefs

Caviar tidbits started the mood in a properly elegant fashion.

Delicious Paris Food Display

From fresh fruit displays that looked gorgeous on their own

Delicious Paris Chef Creations

and clever parsnip logs nestled hidden in a food forest

Delicious Paris Mayor Event Food

to tasty multi-level macarons

Alain Ducasse Salvador Dali Creations Delcious Paris

and whimsical Salvador Dali cream puffs from Ducasse himself, the event was delicious beyond all expectations.

Food Art by Rungis Market International

Even the Rungis market, containing the largest fruit and vegetable market in the world was present to get a nod of thanks and approval from the adoring crowd.

Diana Laskaris Enjoying Delicious Paris

And, of course, we had to partake on your behalf, right? So we did. And we can tell you that Paris continues to be one of the great culinary capitals of the world. We can’t wait for you to have the opportunity to explore the delicious offerings of Paris chefs on your own.

THE QUICK BITE: We had the honor of being among a chosen few international journalists selected to attend the event hosted by the Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo honoring the more than 80 Michelin-starred Paris chefs. Here’s what it was like.

Co-founder of Food Travelist. I love to explore the world and love learning about new places. I'm an eater and I've got a smile for everyone I meet.


  1. suereddel

    Thanks Melody! It truly was a once in a lifetime experience.

  2. suereddel

    We’d be happy to have you along for the journey Fran!

  3. Fran Folsom

    You had me at multi-level macarons. Yum! Next time you go to Paris please take me.

  4. Not being a Paris fan, I usually just quickly gloss over posts about the city, but this one caught my eye and hooked me right away. I’m all about the food and your post was so informative and photos gorgeous. I did not know about this event or how the Michelin chefs were picked and trained. Very informative. I LOVED the Dali cream puffs. How neat!

  5. suereddel

    It truly was Irene. We still can’t believe we were there. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. suereddel

    It was hard to not keep your mouth gaping open. From the famous Chefs to the stunning rooms and beautiful food displays it was almost too much. Almost. Thanks for stopping by Corinne!

  7. suereddel

    It certainly did feel like the Oscars for Chefs they all very proudly strutted around as you’d suspect. It was quite a tasty spectacle. Thanks for stopping by Maria.

  8. suereddel

    Thanks Maydi! It was a wonderful experience. Food as art was certainly on full display at this spectacular event. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. suereddel

    Ha! Thanks Trish, we were honored and are still pinching ourselves. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. You’re the envy of all travel writers to be invited to such a prestigious event, in one of the gastronomy capitals of the world, no less! Bon appetit!

  11. I feel excited for you that you got to attend such a nice, elaborate event! These culinary selections are a work of art!

  12. Wow, that must have been a great experience. Almost like an Oscar for Chefs. When it comes to the love of food, the French are in a class of their own!

  13. What an honor to be invited to such a prestigious event. The food looks amazing, and wow, what a venue! Too cool!

  14. suereddel

    The artistry truly was amazing. Thanks for stopping by Elaine.

  15. suereddel

    Totally agree no one respects the art of cooking like the French. Thanks for stopping by Nat!

  16. suereddel

    It’s never too late Suzanne! It was truly amazing. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. suereddel

    So good to meet you in person too Jan! Hope it’s the first of many. The event was truly amazing still pinching ourselves that we were there.

  18. suereddel

    Ha ha! It was a once in a lifetime event to be sure. We’ve never been to Lyon but we hear it is a culinary capital! Thanks for stopping by Leyla!

  19. Just cannot contain my jealousy:-)
    What a wonderful event! I’m sure it was worth all the delicious calories

  20. Spectacular! I attend foodie events in San Diego and consider myself lucky but this is the creme de la creme. The art of presentation is something else.

  21. What a delicious event to attend! I don’t care what anyone says, the French know where it’s at when it comes to food and know and honour tradition.

  22. Is it too late for me to become a food blogger? Nah. My palate is way too uneducated, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad meal in France. OTOH, I’m not a food expert, so maybe I have and I didn’t even know it. Could food ignorance be bliss? This looks like it was a fabulous event. Congratulations on the invitation.

  23. You KNOW I had to read your post! OMG the food looked amazing—especially the multi level macarons. (Hmm….maybe I’ll trying making one of those). THIS is an unforgettable experience: Paris and food and at the Hotel de Ville! I would have been in awe the entire time. So glad I was able to meet up with you in Paris for dinner :).

  24. I can’t think of a better place to celebrate chefs than Paris. I had never heard of this! I know there’s a major gastronomic contest in Lyon every few years but this one is celebratory – and so it should be. I’m sure you ate well, and what a privilege to attend. Do you detect a slight tinge of envy? You do???

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