It’s finally here. My 60th birthday. For those who know me, they have already tolerated 27 days of June ensconced in my birthday celebrations. For that, I thank them for their love, patience, and tolerance.
I’ve had the privilege of traveling to Missouri, Kenosha, Wisconsin and Winnipeg, Manitoba this past month. It’s been a heck of a celebration. Every. Day.

Over the last month, I’ve taken the time to jot down some thoughts I’ve had about the lessons I’ve learned throughout my sixty years. I decided to share them here in the hope that it might help a few people or at least be a thought starter on how to make your time on earth happy, helpful and healthful.
60 Simple Thoughts on My 60th Birthday
- Be open to new experiences even if they are scary.
- Connect with people. Really connect.
- Walk there.
- Say yes.
- Say no.
- Don’t wait, do it now.
- Say thank you, often.
- Travel slowly.
- Take care of yourself.
- Make time for family and friends.
- Tell people that you love them.
- Check in with people you haven’t heard from in a while.
- Take a walk every day.
- You can learn a lot from younger people.
- Go outside. Nothing changes my mood instantly more than the sound chirping birds.
- Create something that’s not work.
- Don’t worry what other people think (news flash they don’t really notice most things you do, they are busy with their own lives).
- Wear what you want to. Be comfortable.
- Drink lots of water. Especially when traveling.
- Try alternative solutions. I’ve had much success with acupuncture and CBD oils. Do your research and ask a ton of questions.
- Get rid of stuff. Just don’t be surprised when no one wants your stuff. Donate it, sell it whatever works. You’ll feel better with less.
- Ask questions.
- Hug people.
- Don’t undersell yourself. Modesty will not get you very far.
- Do stuff you liked to do when you were young. You’ll still love it.
- Get comfortable shoes. They don’t have to be ugly.
- Wear compression socks.
- Wear SPF every day.
- Pet and play with the cat or dog.
- Have an afternoon dance party.
- Write a gratitude list every single day.
- Savor the food you eat and enjoy it with others.
- Put your fingers in some dirt, plant something.
- Forgive someone, let it go.
- Thank someone who made your day.
- Write a letter or postcard to someone. I send a postcard to my two-year-old niece from every trip.
- Eat good chocolate.
- Go out of your way to meet someone.
- Slow down and take deep breaths every now and again.
- Walk away from your desk every once in a while. You’ll come up with better ideas and stories.
- Appreciate your life partner every day.
- Take time to really listen.
- Put your phone away when you eat.
- Share your knowledge with other people.
- Learn something hard every day.
- Play your favorite music when you work.
- Make a proper cup of tea and enjoy it.
- Vote. It’s your responsibility.
- Kiss the person you love every single day.
- Have at least one very comfortable chair to read in.
- Make a plan but don’t be afraid to change it.
- Cherish your online friends. Mine constantly surprise me with their support and love.
- Write every day.
- Read something fun every day.
- Be thankful when you put your feet on the floor in the morning.
- Eat fruits and veggies that are in season.
- Don’t use plastic straws.
- Enjoy the change of seasons. Each one has its own unique splendor.
- Don’t worry about the past it’s gone. Tomorrow’s gonna be better.
- Be proud of who you are and who you love.
I’ve had the opportunity to meet, work and play with so many wonderful people around the world in my life. I’ve learned from every single one of them. For that, I’m eternally grateful. I’ve worked in corporate America with super smart people. I teach at a university, have worked with start-ups and started my own companies. Every single experience has helped mold me into the person I am today. For that, I’m grateful too.

I look forward to my sixties, and God willing my seventies and years beyond that too. I have no idea what my future holds. But I do know that I’ll keep striving to be the best I can be, do the best I can do and continue to help others any way I can. I want to continue to help farmers and tell their stories. I want to help clean up this hurting earth and tell more stories about how we can do that. I want to spend more time traveling to unique places that I can introduce to the rest of the world. I want to spend more time with my niece and soon to be nephew playing with them and teaching them just as I did their Mom and her siblings.
Most of all I want to spend every moment I can with my dearest Diana. She is the one who opened my eyes and challenged me to be more, do more than I ever thought I could. Exploring the world with her has been a delight and more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined.
Thanks for reading my homage to my 60th birthday. I get giddy just thinking of all the things I’m going to do in the years to come.
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That’s such a wonderful thing to hear Lyn. I hope I have your positive attitude in my 80’s.
Thanks for reminding me. I am going through my 80s now as if they were my sixties. Looking forward is I must admit a bit more stressful knowing the end is at hand but concentrating on the positives and being thankful for the past is a help to enjoy the future.
Happy Birthday! Enjoyed reading your list. I turned 60 last year and as the years go by I too am grateful for all I can do and all I have. So glad to be a part of this wonderful blogging community and have a chance to meet inspiring women like you. Have a great birthday year!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to comment Sharika. I’m glad you liked the list. Life is truly an unexpected journey the trick is to enjoy it and change when you need to.
Thanks so much Barb!! I’m so glad that the universe brought you and your loving family into our lives. You are wonderful neighbors and friends. xox
Thanks Lora! Glad to hear you started your list at 40. I wish I had. Would have made things a bit easier.
Thanks Suzanne! I truly love you, my friend, your Facebook group has brought so many of us “boomers” and “zoomers” together in all our quirkiness. That gift is priceless.
Thanks so much Doreen! I know it will be the first of many meeting in person my friend.
Thanks Patti! Thank goodness we have our loving spouses to keep us grounded. 🙂
We would absolutely an afternoon dance party with you two. I hope it’s sooner than later.
Awwww, thanks so much. You would make a perfect older sister for me that’s for sure. Thanks for the well wishes.
Thanks Kim! Every little bit helps. I can’t even remember my name half the time so I do the best I can.
Thanks so much Betsy! Glad to know you too. xox
Happiest of birthdays, Sue! Your list is a succinct roadmap on how to travel through life happily and engaged with curiosity and love. I’m glad to know ya, kid.
Happy Birthday Sue! Love the list! Good things to think about, not that I’ll remember to do each of them every day! I have trouble remembering to take all my vitamins/supplements every day! But they are wise and inspirational, and something I can aspire to incorporate into daily living…
You, my friend, are far younger then your age! Here I was thinking I was old enough to be your very young mom. Turns out I could be your slightly older sister. I identify with many of the thoughts on your list. I believe you may be related to Camelot ‘s Merlin. Keep spreading sparkles!
I too turned 60 this year. And we have been celebrating all year long! I like the point about saying both “yes” and “no”. I need to get better at “no”. I love the eclectic nature of your list. I need to think about what might be on mine. When we finally meet with you and Diana, we can have an afternoon dance party! Happy Birthday Sue.
Welcome to your 60’s, it’s actually a mighty fine decade. I wrote a similar post (3 years ago) when I hit 60 and made a comment about stepping in to my 6th decade. My ever-thoughtful husband, Abi, was kind enough to tell me that I was actually stepping in to my 7th decade. I thought I’d share that gem with you as well. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sue! I love your list. Especially #37. 🙂
Like Suzanne who commented before me, I’m thrilled to have met you in person after forging our online friendship and look forward to seeing you again sometime soon.
Enjoy the decade. I’ve paved the path for you.
Happy birthday dear Sue. Keep on making the world a better place. I’m grateful the Cosmos saw fit to have our paths cross—first in cyberspace. Then, IRL. As for 60 and beyond—-You got this!
That’s a great list! Everyone should strive to follow all those things. When I turned 40 I made a mental list of sorts that included a lot of those things.
Happy Birthday, Sue!!!
I love your tribute. I try and live my life utilizing most of those things on your list. I am grateful that you and Diana live down the hall and trust me with Amelia and Jake. I wish you many, many more birthdays. Cheers!!!
This was a very profound article. It touched my soul and brought happy tears to my eyes. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.